• THPB Thumper Bass or Ukulele Pick, Blue

THPB Thumper Bass or Ukulele Pick, Blue

Single blue Thumper pick. Perfect for bass or ukulele where you might normally use a felt pick. Providing stringed-instrument musicians with an inexpensive option to creating a unique tone and a totally new dimension of playability. Durable, great feel, awesome tone! Hugh Williamson, a bass guitar player who was looking for a pick with the tone of a "finger pluck" without the noisy "twang" or string-grab of other picks, decided to develop his own. After tons of trial and error he finally came up with several unique, multi-layered instrument picks that were exactly what he was looking for in a bass guitar pick. According to Hugh Williamson, the picks are made from High Impact, Space Age, "Plastic Rubbery Stuff". That should just about be as technical as most of us want to get! Really, you've got to try one to make your own judgement.

  • Item #: THPB
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.00